Sunday 6 September 2020

How To Get Your Workplace Ready To Deal With COVID-19?

 If anyone with Coronavirus coughs or exhales droplets of contaminated fluid, and they land on surfaces and objects nearby (such as tables, chairs, desks, or phones)— by touching such infected surfaces or articles and then touching their eyes, nose, or mouth, individuals may have a high susceptibility of catching COVID-19. 

In case you are standing within 1 meter of a COVID-19 positive person, you can even catch it by drawing in droplets coughed out or exhaled by the infected individual.

Installing Sanitizing Station at your workplace is the easiest way to contain the spread of this deadly virus and other pathogens. Here are a few more measures you can undertake to propagate a safe office environment. 

Keep the workspace clean and hygienic.

Surfaces such as desks, cabinets, and tables with objects (e.g.telephones, keyboards) need to be wiped with a sanitization solution daily.

Promote regular and thorough hand-washing

Install Sanitizing Station at your office to encourage frequent and thorough washing of hands by staff, contractors, and clients.

Display posters at prominent locations promoting proper sanitization and regular hand wash.

Integrate other contact measures, such as providing advice from occupational health and safety inspectors, presentations at meetings, and intranet information to facilitate hand-washing.

Ensure that your workers, contractors, and consumers have easy and fast access to the Sanitizing Station to wash their hands with water and soap, and dry them out with tissues.

Promote good respiratory hygiene 

Make sure that face masks or paper tissues are accessible in your office for those who develop a runny nose or coughing at work, along with the accessibility to the closed containers for hygienic tissue disposal.

Advise your workers and consultants before going on business trips to review the national travel advisories.

Last but not the least, recommend your staff, vendors, and customers to remain at home even with a mild cough or low fever (37.3 C or more). They must stay at home (or operate from home) even if they have taken generic medications, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, or aspirin, to suppress infection symptoms.

To know more about Sanitizing Station, its working, and how it can be installed at your office, visit us now at

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